Fort St John
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Boutique items in living room including plants and wooden crates


Discover our unique collection of beautiful home décor and accessories, from wall hangings and sculptures to decorative pillows and throws. From the modern to the traditional, you're sure to find something special for your home.

Find it all at Dunvegan!

Need a gift for that special someone or just want to pamper yourself?  Our unique collection of essentials and accessories are available at Dunvegan Garden & Gift Fort St. John, BC.  

Need to relax? Stock up on Jack59 Shampoo and Conditioner bars, bath bombs, soap, candles and books. Create the ultimate home spa!  Not into baths? Check out our collection of puzzles! We carry a wide selection varying from scenic to comic.

Feeling chilly? Grab some socks. Who says they have to be boring, get them with llamas.

Want to accessorize your look?  Why not try some of our fun and affordable jewelry?  Or spoil yourself with a new purse or wallet.

Our stock is everchanging, pop in frequently to find that extra special something for you or your special someone. 

Boutique bathroom items on tasteful wooden shelving
Decorative boutique clock and small vases
Rainbow butterfly earrings on wooden countertop
Dreamcatcher earrings on wooden heart
Handmade metallic jewelry on wooden store display
jack59 bath and shower products on display
Bath accessories on luxury pink towel
Kids cartoon boutique face masks
MeMoi luxury bamboo socks
MeMo luxury men's bamboo socks
Chic cow pattern sandals on wooden shelving
Boutique antique decorative style lantern and table decorations